Follow up progress in volume to ensure jobsite profitability

Knowing if current performance will meet final plan is crucial, but maintaining an efficient overview while managing multiple jobsites is hard. Smart Construction Dashboard aggregates earth movement information, allowing for effortless daily cut-and-fill checkup. React and recover quickly before major financial overruns


Smart Construction Dashboard makes volume tracking effortless and straightforward for everyone.
imgateDaily volumetric progress checkup imgatePowerful calculation tool box imgateA digital replica true to your site imgateThe Connected Site


Real-time machine movement and productivity reports for mixed fleet operations
imgateLook beyond project delays imgateReal-time visualisation of machines and material imgateGain accurate insights into your fleet’s productivity imgateCreate efficient traffic flowcum soluta nobis

interior Design

By digital twin and VR see all the interior design before even the construction started.
imgateExplore your project in 360 imgateExperience wood and fabric samples imgateTry out the product in their living space at its actual size imgateAdditional experience like, opening doors, lighting, and experience the species 

Our Advantage

We develop full-scale software for construction companies to help you digitalize your green building business processes, achieve operational efficiency, and drive innovation.

Systematic Construction Management

Break free from geographical restraints with remote digital and visual management of multiple projects. Real-time monitoring of device operation and energy consumption to improve operations and maintenance efficiency.

Financial-grade Network Data Security

Best-in-class global IoT security compliance standards. Global cloud data centers to maximize network and data security.

Enhanced Security

Offer seamless and secure property access management for, workers, engineers and visitors from the front gates to all around (CCTV and Access control)

Abundant IoT Capability

Zigbee / Bluetooth Mesh / Wi-Fi / Multi-protocol compatibility. Standardized module design with Pin to Pin compatibility between different protocols allows for seamless product expansion.

Strong Eco-Chain

With a rich Bayzor-enabled product ecosystem, Bayzor Business Solution enables multi-category and multi-brand device compatibility.


Provides multiple revenue streams for owners and enhance customer loyalty. Provides strategic optimization for device and energy consumption based on operational data.

Bayzor Smart Construction Vision

Ever wondered if the volume moved today has matched up with your planning? Curious about how much it costs to move a cubic meter? Closely monitoring the performance of your job site (s) is a key factor in making sure profitability remains on track! Bayzor’s vision and mission are to answer all these questions.

image Specialized Partner in Saudi Market (Sugarr Tech, Dash System, Trenex) image High Tech team to study, analyze, and implement tailer made solutions image IoT standard assessment and integration test image Design and visualization capabilities
Our team can customize B2B proposal for you

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